ecodevices_rt2 package



ecodevices_rt2.binary_sensor module

Support for the GCE Ecodevices RT2 controller.

async ecodevices_rt2.binary_sensor.async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities) None[source]

Set up the GCE Ecodevices RT2 binary_sensors.

ecodevices_rt2.climate module

Support for the GCE Ecodevices RT2 controller.

async ecodevices_rt2.climate.async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities) None[source]

Set up the GCE Ecodevices RT2 climates.

ecodevices_rt2.config_flow module

Config flow to configure the GCE Ecodevices RT2 integration.

class ecodevices_rt2.config_flow.IpxConfigFlow[source]

Bases: ConfigFlow

Handle a GCE Ecodevices RT2 config flow.

CONNECTION_CLASS = 'local_poll'
async async_step_import(import_info)[source]

Import a config entry from YAML config.

async async_step_user(user_input=None)[source]

Get configuration from the user.

ecodevices_rt2.const module

Constants for the GCE Ecodevices RT2 component.

ecodevices_rt2.device_ecodevicesrt2 module

class ecodevices_rt2.device_ecodevicesrt2.EcoDevicesRT2Device(device_config: dict, ecort2: EcoDevicesRT2, coordinator: DataUpdateCoordinator, suffix_name: str = '')[source]

Bases: CoordinatorEntity

Representation of a GCE Ecodevices RT2 generic device entity.

property device_class

Return the device class.

property icon

Icon to use in the frontend, if any.

property unit_of_measurement

Return the unit of measurement.

ecodevices_rt2.light module

Support for the GCE Ecodevices RT2 controller.

async ecodevices_rt2.light.async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities) None[source]

Set up the GCE Ecodevices RT2 lights.

ecodevices_rt2.sensor module

Support for the GCE Ecodevices RT2. Based on work of @Mati24 –

async ecodevices_rt2.sensor.async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities) None[source]

Set up the GCE Ecodevices RT2 sensors.

ecodevices_rt2.switch module

Support for the GCE Ecodevices RT2 controller.

async ecodevices_rt2.switch.async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities) None[source]

Set up the GCE Ecodevices RT2 switches.

Module contents

Support for the GCE Ecodevices RT2.

async ecodevices_rt2.async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) bool[source]

Set up the GCE Ecodevices RT2 from config file.

async ecodevices_rt2.async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) bool[source]

Set up the GCE Ecodevices RT2.

async ecodevices_rt2.async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry) bool[source]

Unload a config entry.

ecodevices_rt2.build_device_list(devices_config: list) list[source]

Check and build device list from config.

ecodevices_rt2.filter_device_list(devices: list, component: str) list[source]

Filter device list by component.