2.2.10 (2025-01-04)
Update use of unit/icon for sensors - Try to solve issue #130
- Update configuration of device
Add link to configuration page of EcoRT2
Try to update configuration to solve #182
2.2.9 (2024-10-06)
Fix deprecated code
2.2.8 (2023-08-02)
Improve the definition of units and icons for sensors, in particular when a configuration generates several sensors (Counter which creates a sensor with index and another with the price) (See issue #130)
2.2.7 (2022-10-10)
Update version of pyecodevices_rt2, correct X4FP to act like a switch
2.2.6 (2022-08-08)
Add ‘allow_zero’ parameters for sensors. Default is True.
2.2.5 (2022-08-08)
Update version of pyecodevices_rt2, force not to use cache when changing a switch value
- warning:
Toroids are all the same in the new version of the EcoRT2 API: no more “consumption/production” for toroids 1-4.
2.2.4 (2022-08-07)
Update API using new version EcoRT2 3.00.02
Reduce errors at startup, wait DataUpdateCoordinator
2.2.2 (beta) (2021-09-18)
Do not consider 0 for index and price sensors
Add state classes for energy sensors to be able to use sensors in Energy Management in Home Assistant
2.2.0 (beta) (2021-05-16)
Test using DataCoordinator
2.1.2 (2021-05-15)
Remove scan_interval, not working.
Add update_after_switch to configure the time to wait before update a switch/light/climate just after a change. Default is 0s.
2.1.1 (2021-05-15)
Add asyncio.sleep(1) after each switch/light command then force update the current value
2.1.0 (2021-05-15)
Update pyecodevices_rt2 to 1.2.0, allow using cached values of the API.
Add cached_interval_ms parameter to define a maximum value (in milliseconds) during which you consider an API value do not need to be updated
Improve the time between switch/light action and value update
2.0.0 (2021-05-06)
Full rewrite using platform/devices
Allow adding devices/entities without knowing the API: counter, digitalinput, enocean, post, relay, supplierindex, toroid, virtualoutput, x4fp, xthl
Allow selecting different components (e.g. for enocean, you can select sensor, switch or light)
1.0.1 (2021-05-01)
First stable version with updated version and pyecodevices-rt2 package
0.1.0 (2021-04-08)
First version